Michael SturmingerSchauspieler:
Chulpan Khamatova, Stanislav Lisnic, Predrag 'Miki' Manojlović, Maria Hofstätter, Ina Gogálová, Gabriel Usein, Emanuel Usein, Stefan Sidlo, Tamara Metelka, Robert Ritter, Susan Sozubek, Natalya Baranova, Pola Claricini, Helmut Hafner, Dessislava Urumova, Bernadette AbendsteinDer 16jährige Ozren erzählt die Geschichte seines Lebens mit seiner Mutter Silvija, einer jungen, schönen Kroatin, die Ende der 70er Jahre aus Jugoslawien nach Wien kommt und auf der Suche nach einem besseren Leben bald auf dem Strich landet. Von Silvija, die sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einer gutbezahlten Edelprostituierten hinaufarbeitet, oft alleingelassen, versucht Ozren, seinem “außernormalen” Schicksal als Hurensohn gewachsen zu sein.
Ozren is raised in Vienna by his mother Silvija, who works as a prostitute, and his aunt and uncle. The film shows the demimonde of Vienna in the early 1990ies and deals with Ozren's finding out that his mother is not a waitress (as he was initially told) and with the way he copes with it.
Ozren is raised in Vienna by his mother Silvija, who works as a prostitute, and his aunt and uncle. The film shows the demimonde of Vienna in the early 1990ies and deals with Ozren's finding out that his mother is not a waitress (as he was initially told) and with the way he copes with it.