Hustle Down - Cold Hard Cash
R. Ellis FrazierSchauspieler:
Tom Sizemore, Paul Sidhu, Bai Ling, Vanessa Angel, Kevin Gage, Raymond J. Barry, Noel Gugliemi, David Fernandez Jr., Victorya Brandart, Luis GaticaCully, ein kleiner Gauner und Fahrer für ein Drogenkartell in Baja, muss sich auf den geschickten, aber zurückhaltenden Kopfgeldjäger Turk verlassen, um nicht in die Fänge des gnadenlosen Killers Angel zu geraten, nachdem Cully einen Geldtransporter gestohlen hat, der mit Bargeld für seinen Boss Jefe gefüllt war. Das Duo trifft auf Crystal, eine temperamentvolle Tänzerin mit zu vielen Geheimnissen und einem größeren Interesse an der Sache, als ihnen zunächst bewusst ist. Wenn Cully Turk davon überzeugen kann, auf seine verrückten Pläne einzugehen, könnte er es vielleicht lebend zu seiner entfremdeten Frau Maria und seiner Tochter Emma zurückschaffen.
Trashige Action mit Genreverteran Tom Sizemore, Bai Ling und Vanessa Angel.
Cully, a two-bit hustler and the driver for a Baja drug cartel, finds himself relying on skilled-but-reluctant bounty hunter Turk, to stay out of the grasps of a merciless assassin, and vicious thugs led by a rival gang leader after Cully has stolen a money car stuffed with cash meant for his boss. The duo crosses paths with Crystal, a sultry dancer with too many secrets and a greater stake in all of this than they first realize. If Cully can convince Turk to go along with his crazy schemes, he might make it back to his estranged wife and daughter alive.
Cully, a two-bit hustler and the driver for a Baja drug cartel, finds himself relying on skilled-but-reluctant bounty hunter Turk, to stay out of the grasps of a merciless assassin, and vicious thugs led by a rival gang leader after Cully has stolen a money car stuffed with cash meant for his boss. The duo crosses paths with Crystal, a sultry dancer with too many secrets and a greater stake in all of this than they first realize. If Cully can convince Turk to go along with his crazy schemes, he might make it back to his estranged wife and daughter alive.