I Melt with You
Mark PellingtonSchauspieler:
Sasha Grey, Tom Bower, Carla Gugino, Arielle Kebbel, Thomas Jane, Joe Reegan, Rob Lowe, Christian McKay, Jeremy Piven, Melora Hardin, Rebecca Creskoff, Zander Eckhouse, Abhi Sinha, August Emerson, Anthony NewfieldDer erfolglose Autor und Englischlehrer Richard, der drogenkranke Gynäkologe Jonathan, der in kriminelle Geschäfte verstrickte Stockbroker Ron und der irgendwie noch nirgendwo angekommene Tim waren als Jungs die besten Kumpels und treffen sich seither jedes Jahr zum gemeinschaftlichen Abhängen im Sinne der alten Zeiten. Diesmal stecken alle knietief in der Krise, wovon man jedoch zunächst nichts merkt bei Drogen, Damen und Funsport. Dann aber zwingt ein Vorfall die Männer, der Wahrheit ins Gesicht zu sehen.
Hollywood und die Midlife-Crisis, diesmal vor den aufregenden Kulissen des kalifornischen Küstenstreifens Big Sur. Vier Männern in den Vierzigern müssen feststellen, dass manches im Leben anders kam als gedacht. Thomas "Punisher" Jane und der 80er-Damenschwarm Rob Lowe sind die großen Namen im Quartett, besonders letzterer musste für manche Szenen sicher nicht lang üben. Substanzgetränkte Männerselbstfindung an großer Geste, wahre Kerle riskieren einen Blick.
Middle aged Jonathan, Richard, Rob and Tim are friends from their college days, each who has had some modicum of success in his life, but each who is facing an issue resulting in dissatisfaction with his current lot. Divorced father Jonathan is a physician whose practice is largely made up of wealthy patients for who he writes prescriptions for drugs for recreational use in return for payola. Party boy Richard was once a novelist, but now resorts to teaching high school English to make a living. Stockbroker Ron is happily married with kids, but in providing for his family, he decided to steal from his clients which has now resulted in a probable indictment by the Securities Commission for embezzlement. And five years ago, openly bisexual Tim was the driver that caused an accident which killed both his sister and his boyfriend, the guilt surrounding which still remains with him. As they live in various parts of the country, they make a point to get together at least once a year for a ...
Middle aged Jonathan, Richard, Rob and Tim are friends from their college days, each who has had some modicum of success in his life, but each who is facing an issue resulting in dissatisfaction with his current lot. Divorced father Jonathan is a physician whose practice is largely made up of wealthy patients for who he writes prescriptions for drugs for recreational use in return for payola. Party boy Richard was once a novelist, but now resorts to teaching high school English to make a living. Stockbroker Ron is happily married with kids, but in providing for his family, he decided to steal from his clients which has now resulted in a probable indictment by the Securities Commission for embezzlement. And five years ago, openly bisexual Tim was the driver that caused an accident which killed both his sister and his boyfriend, the guilt surrounding which still remains with him. As they live in various parts of the country, they make a point to get together at least once a year for a ...