Eric Steven StahlSchauspieler:
Dan Castellaneta, Rosanna Arquette, Shiri Appleby, Beau Bridges, Hector Elizondo, Doris Roberts, Mathew Botuchis, Baelyn Neff, Victor Alfieri, Tracee Ellis Ross, Tiffany Baldwin, William Dixon, Robert A. Egan, Jeff Halbleib, Brittany PetrosEnde der 90er lernt Harvey Bellinger die schöne Audrey kennen. Man heiratet, und aus den jeweiligen jugendlichen Einzelkindern werden zu deren geringer Begeisterung Bruder und Schwester. Weil Sohnemann Colby irgendwann Geld braucht, vernetzt er die heimische Villa mit Überwachungskameras und stellt das intime Geschehen gegen Gebühr ins Internet. Als die Familie davon erfährt, ist das Entsetzen groß. Als aber die dicken Schecks eintreffen, verblassen die Bedenken, und die Bellingers legen so richtig los.
Ein jugendlicher Computerfreak verwanzt sein Elternhaus mit Webcams und avanciert zum Internet-Millionär in dieser turbulenten Gesellschafts- und Familiensatire.
The divorced salesman Harvey Bellinger sells toilets and lives with his teenage daughter Audrey Bellinger. When he meets the former Playboy centerfold Lydia Ann Layton, who is addicted in Stock Market and lives with her teenage son Colby, they immediately get married and move in together. Out of the blue, Harvey is fired and Lydia loses all their savings in the Stock Market. They need to reduce drastically their expenses and they quit superfluous expenses including cable TV. Audrey has an argument with Colby and drops his laptop on the floor. His girlfriend Randi Sommers suggests they expose Audrey in Internet and Colby buys a camera to revenge. Soon they begin a reality show sort of "Big Brother" business, and Colby decides to install cameras in every room in the house. They site becomes popular and a TV network offers a profitable contact to Colby and Randi. When the family discovers that their lives have been exposed but in a profitable way, they decide to include two new ...
The divorced salesman Harvey Bellinger sells toilets and lives with his teenage daughter Audrey Bellinger. When he meets the former Playboy centerfold Lydia Ann Layton, who is addicted in Stock Market and lives with her teenage son Colby, they immediately get married and move in together. Out of the blue, Harvey is fired and Lydia loses all their savings in the Stock Market. They need to reduce drastically their expenses and they quit superfluous expenses including cable TV. Audrey has an argument with Colby and drops his laptop on the floor. His girlfriend Randi Sommers suggests they expose Audrey in Internet and Colby buys a camera to revenge. Soon they begin a reality show sort of "Big Brother" business, and Colby decides to install cameras in every room in the house. They site becomes popular and a TV network offers a profitable contact to Colby and Randi. When the family discovers that their lives have been exposed but in a profitable way, they decide to include two new ...