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Herb GardnerSchauspieler:
Walter Matthau, Ossie Davis, Amy Irving, Craig T. Nelson, Boyd Gaines, Martha Plimpton, Guillermo Díaz, Elina Löwensohn, Ron Rifkin, Marin Hinkle, Nancy Giles, Ranjit Chowdhry, Irwin Corey, Bobby Cannavale, Becky Ann BakerNat ist trotz seiner 81 Jahre das blühende Leben. Der streitbare Jude setzt sein loses Mundwerk für die Belange hilfebedürftiger Menschen ein. Sein Betätigungsfeld ist der New Yorker Central Park, wo er sich stets mit dem gleichaltrigen, farbigen Hausmeister Midge trifft. Obwohl der bodenständige Midge Nats philosophische Phantastereien kaum ertragen kann, sind die beiden in Haßliebe einander zugetan und bestehen gemeinsam diverse Abenteuer mit Kleinganoven, Drogendealern und anderen skurrilen Parkbesuchern.
Old Nat Moyer is a talker, a philosopher, and a troublemaker with a fanciful imagination. His companion is Midge Carter, who is half-blind, but still the super of an apartment house. When he is threatened with retirement, Nat battles on his behalf. Nat also takes on his daughter, a drug dealer, and a mugger in this appealing version of a really 'odd couple'.
Old Nat Moyer is a talker, a philosopher, and a troublemaker with a fanciful imagination. His companion is Midge Carter, who is half-blind, but still the super of an apartment house. When he is threatened with retirement, Nat battles on his behalf. Nat also takes on his daughter, a drug dealer, and a mugger in this appealing version of a really 'odd couple'.