Ich glaub, ich lieb meine Frau
Chris RockSchauspieler:
Steve Buscemi, Chris Rock, Kerry Washington, Gina TorresDer Banker Richard Cooper ist beruflich erfolgreich und verheiratet, er hat zwei Kinder. Richard und seine Frau Brenda haben seit längerer Zeit keinen Sex mehr. Richard trifft Nikki Tru, die er früher gut kannte, aber zuletzt vor acht Jahren sah. Tru will zuerst die alte Freundschaft erneuern, dann will sie Richard verführen.
Richard Cooper (Rock) is a married man and father of two who is just plain bored with married life. Not getting any sex from his wife, he resorts to ogling random women on the street to the point he takes lunch late to look at them. When old crush Nikki Tru (Kerry Washington) visits his office to get a reference letter, she becomes obsessed with Cooper and they begin a complicated relationship.
Richard Cooper (Rock) is a married man and father of two who is just plain bored with married life. Not getting any sex from his wife, he resorts to ogling random women on the street to the point he takes lunch late to look at them. When old crush Nikki Tru (Kerry Washington) visits his office to get a reference letter, she becomes obsessed with Cooper and they begin a complicated relationship.