Ich trag dich bis ans Ende der Welt
Christine KabischSchauspieler:
Elmar Wepper, Ann-Kathrin Kramer, Bernhard Schir, Julian Weigend, Tim Morten Uhlenbrock, Carolin von der Groeben, Melanie BlocksdorfEine Affäre ihres Mannes stürzt Anna in eine Krise. Sie hat nur noch einen Gedanken: nichts wie weg. Trotz der zerrütteten Beziehung zu ihrem Vater begleitet sie den störrischen alten Herrn bei seiner Pilgerreise auf dem spanischen Jakobsweg.
Anna is annoyed. For 18 years she's made every effort to make her family a comfortable home, and what's the result? Instead of relishing her roast lamb, her husband Frank works late. Their teenage kids Thomas and Petra stay out all night, and on top of that her father, Horst, reveals that as of tonight, he's off on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. And when she wants to take the roast lamb to her hard-working husband, she sees him busy taking his secretary's clothes off. That's it. Anna is off. In high heels and smeared mascara, she climbs onto the train to the last station before the Pyrenees, joining her father on his quest for... for what?
Anna is annoyed. For 18 years she's made every effort to make her family a comfortable home, and what's the result? Instead of relishing her roast lamb, her husband Frank works late. Their teenage kids Thomas and Petra stay out all night, and on top of that her father, Horst, reveals that as of tonight, he's off on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. And when she wants to take the roast lamb to her hard-working husband, she sees him busy taking his secretary's clothes off. That's it. Anna is off. In high heels and smeared mascara, she climbs onto the train to the last station before the Pyrenees, joining her father on his quest for... for what?