Ich und mein Ding
Huck BotkoSchauspieler:
Jamie Chung, Cam Gigandet, Nick Thune, Katherine CunninghamDer charismatische Womanizer Rich Johnson kriegt sie alle: Er legt ein Mädel nach dem anderen flach. Doch Rich stört sich selbst an seinem Aufreisser-Image und so spricht er eines Abends einen ganz besonderen Wunsch aus. Dieser wird ihm jedoch nicht so erfüllt, wie er sich das erhofft hatte: Nicht nur erwacht er am nächsten Morgen ohne sein bestes Stück - sein Pimmel meldet sich auch noch per Telefon bei ihm! Denn Richs Penis wurde auf mysteriöse Weise von seinem Körper gelöst und hat eine menschliche Form angenommen. Während Richs personifiziertes Genital also nun seinerseits die Frauenwelt unsicher macht, kann sich Rich endlich ernsthaften Beziehungen zuwenden - nur so hat er die Chance sein Ding zurück zu bekommen.
Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...
Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...