Ich werde reich und glücklich
Doris MetzSchauspieler:
Jürgen HöllerWas muss man tun, um reich und glücklich zu werden? Glaubt man Erfolgstrainern, wie Jürgen Höller, so gibt es dafür ein Rezept: in Form von Büchern, Videos und Seminaren, die man kaufen kann. Doch was bleibt am Ende aller Versprechungen? Doris Metz erzählt von Jürgen Höllers Berufung, Menschen zum Erfolg zu führen und von Menschen, die ihm gefolgt sind. Die Geschichte von drei Männern und drei Frauen; bizarre, komische und anrührende Geschichten auf der Suche nach dem Glück.
What does one have to do to become rich and happy? According to success coaches like Jürgen Höller, there is a recipe for this: in the form of books, videos, and seminars that you can buy. But what remains after all the promises? Doris Metz tells the story of Jürgen Höller's mission to lead people to success and of the people who have followed him. The story of three men and three women; bizarre, funny, and touching stories in the search for happiness.
What does one have to do to become rich and happy? According to success coaches like Jürgen Höller, there is a recipe for this: in the form of books, videos, and seminars that you can buy. But what remains after all the promises? Doris Metz tells the story of Jürgen Höller's mission to lead people to success and of the people who have followed him. The story of three men and three women; bizarre, funny, and touching stories in the search for happiness.