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Demofilo FidaniSchauspieler:
Jack Betts, Gordon Mitchell, Benito Pacifico, Grazia Giuvi, Giancarlo Prete, Luciano Conti, Klaus Kinski, Jeff Cameron, Amerigo Castrighella, Enzo Pulcrano, Pino Polidori, Pietro Fumelli, Manlio Salvatori, Alessandro Perrella, Giglio Gigli, Renzo ArboreNachdem eine Gang eine andere Gang niedergemetzelt hat, ist Butch Cassidy der einzige Überlebende. Um sich zu rächen schließt er sich unerkannt der bisher verfeindeten Gruppe an, um die Mitglieder gegeneinander auszuspielen und sich so an ihnen zu rächen.
Macho Callaghan is a lieutenant in the Federal Guards and his job is to capture Butch Cassidy, Ironhead, and their band of outlaws. Getting in touch with Ironhead, Macho finds a way of being hired by the outlaws. But when the two leaders quarrel and decide to separate, Macho manages to convince Ironhead to attack Butch Cassidy.
Macho Callaghan is a lieutenant in the Federal Guards and his job is to capture Butch Cassidy, Ironhead, and their band of outlaws. Getting in touch with Ironhead, Macho finds a way of being hired by the outlaws. But when the two leaders quarrel and decide to separate, Macho manages to convince Ironhead to attack Butch Cassidy.