Im Sog Der Gier
Stephen SurjikSchauspieler:
Gabriel Byrne, Ben Kingsley, Jeffrey Tambor, Mimi Rogers, L. Scott Caldwell, Jason Lee, R. Lee Ermey, Chris Mulkey, Illeana Douglas, Caroline Aaron, Paul Mazursky, Christina Pickles, Tom Wright, Randall Arney, Ben BodeDie erbittert verfeindeten Medienzaren Lionel Powers und Julian Messenger konkurrieren um den Besitz des erfolgreichen Football-Teams Titans. Um zum Ziel zu kommen, ziehen beide Männer alle Register schmutziger Tricks, was von gezielten Indiskretionen über das gegnerische Privatleben über die Mobilmachung ergebener bzw. korrupter Politikerkohorten bis zum Einsatz unlauterer Rechtsmittel reicht. Hauptleidtragende des heftigen Gefechts sind indes nicht die Billionarios selbst, sondern in erster Linie die bürgerliche Angestelltenschicht in beider Unternehmen.
Two media moguls vie for ownership of a pro football team, at first they play by their own rules of fair game but then it gets dirty. In an attempt to out do one another each one makes it more personal as their own greed and ambition takes their toll on their families, companies and employees.
Two media moguls vie for ownership of a pro football team, at first they play by their own rules of fair game but then it gets dirty. In an attempt to out do one another each one makes it more personal as their own greed and ambition takes their toll on their families, companies and employees.