Im Todesnetz der gelben Spinne
Chor YuenSchauspieler:
Elliot Ngok, Lo Lieh, Ching Li, Wang Hsieh, Angela Yu Chien, Wong Chung, Lily Li Li-Li, Cheng Miu, Ku Feng, Norman Chu, Kong Yeung, Ngaai Fei, Lee Sau-Kei, Chan Mei-Hua, Wong Ching-HoDas "Five Poison Web" - das Todesnetz, soll zur ungeahnten Macht verhelfen und ist deswegen das Ziel zweier Geheimbünde, der "Snakes" und der "Scorpions". Sie finden heraus, dass sich das Todesnetz in einem Shaolin-Kloster befindet, versteckt in einem uralten Grab, bewacht von Wächtern, die mit aller Gewalt das Eindringen von Fremden verhindern. Ein unerbittlicher Kampf um das begehrte Todesnetz beginnt, begleitet von Intrigen, Machtkämpfen und Gewalt.
It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.
It's back to the Shaolin Monastery for one of the most unusual action-paced tales to invade its hallowed halls. Lo Lieh is the ringleader of the Snake Sect, intent on reviving a deadly faction known as the "Five Poison Web." In order to do so, he has an affair with the sexy ringleader of the Scorpion Sect, Angela Yu Chien. However, there is also the Centipede Sect to contend with, as well as other assorted martial artists, among them played by Shaw Brothers talents Yueh Hua, Ching Li, and Lily Li.