Im Zweifel
Aelrun GoetteSchauspieler:
Claudia Michelsen, Henning Baum, Thomas Thieme, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Thomas Loibl, Hendrik Arnst, Matthias Bundschuh, Jordan Elliot Dwyer, Paula Knüpling, Valerie Koch, Jörg Pose, Hildegard Schroedter, Andreas Schröders, Theo Trebs, Nina Vorbrodt, Katrin WichmannIhre Aufgabe als Notfallseelsorgerin ist für die Pfarrerin Judith Ehrmann mehr als ein Teil ihres Jobs: Menschen Beistand zu leisten, ist für sie eine Berufung. Doch als eine Mitschülerin ihres Sohnes bei einem Autounfall stirbt, geht ihr das ungewöhnlich nahe. Judith beginnt zu zweifeln: an sich selbst, an ihrem Beruf - aber auch an ihrer Familie. Denn auf einmal scheint alles darauf hinzudeuten, dass ihr eigener Mann und ihr Sohn in den Unfall verwickelt waren und dies nun vertuschen wollen.
For Pastor Judith Ehrmann, her job as an emergency counselor is more than just part of her job: giving people assistance is a vocation for them. But when a classmate of her son dies in a car accident, that's unusual. Judith begins to doubt: herself, her job - but also her family. For all at once everything seems to indicate that her own husband and son were involved in the accident and now want to cover this up. The emotionally intense drama of award-winning director Aelrun Goette raises fundamental themes without giving easy answers.
For Pastor Judith Ehrmann, her job as an emergency counselor is more than just part of her job: giving people assistance is a vocation for them. But when a classmate of her son dies in a car accident, that's unusual. Judith begins to doubt: herself, her job - but also her family. For all at once everything seems to indicate that her own husband and son were involved in the accident and now want to cover this up. The emotionally intense drama of award-winning director Aelrun Goette raises fundamental themes without giving easy answers.