Veit HarlanSchauspieler:
Carl Raddatz, Paul Klinger, Otto Gebühr, Kristina Söderbaum, Carola Toelle, Lina Lossen, Max Gülstorff, Germana Paolieri, Käthe Dyckhoff, Wilfried Seyferth, Malte JaegerDer begabte Musiker Reinhart Torsten verlässt sein norddeutsches Dorf und geht nach Hamburg. Seine Jugendliebe Elisabeth verspricht, auf ihn zu warten. Als sie ihn jedoch in Hamburg besucht, findet sie ein anderes Mädchen in seinem Zimmer vor. Enttäuscht kehrt sie zurück und gibt dem Werben von Erich, Erbe des Immensee-Hofes, nach. Als Reinhart als erfolgreicher Dirigent zurückkehrt, merkt Erich, dass Elisabeth den Musiker immer noch liebt und will sie freigeben. Doch sie bleibt bei ihrem Mann. Nachdem Elisabeth verwitwet ist, versucht Reinhart erneut, seine Jugendliebe für sich zu gewinnen.
Elisabeth’s great love is Reinhart, a budding musician. They spent a happy childhood together on the Immensee. And although he loves her, too, he leaves Immensee to take up his studies in Hamburg. For a long time, no one knows what’s become of him; until they meet once again at Immensee. Happy about this meeting, Elisabeth visits him in Hamburg. But she finds city life to be strange and confusing; and so, she returns back home disappointed. Finally, Erich, who has waited for her a long time, confesses to her, that he’s in love with her. When Eric’s father dies and he inherits the farm, he asks Elisabeth to marry him. When he eventually dies, Elisabeth stays loyal to him even in death. Now that the famous director Reinhart is ready to show her his affections, she’s not to be swayed.
Elisabeth’s great love is Reinhart, a budding musician. They spent a happy childhood together on the Immensee. And although he loves her, too, he leaves Immensee to take up his studies in Hamburg. For a long time, no one knows what’s become of him; until they meet once again at Immensee. Happy about this meeting, Elisabeth visits him in Hamburg. But she finds city life to be strange and confusing; and so, she returns back home disappointed. Finally, Erich, who has waited for her a long time, confesses to her, that he’s in love with her. When Eric’s father dies and he inherits the farm, he asks Elisabeth to marry him. When he eventually dies, Elisabeth stays loyal to him even in death. Now that the famous director Reinhart is ready to show her his affections, she’s not to be swayed.