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Karan JoharSchauspieler:
Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor, Rani Mukerji, Farida Jalal, Alok Nath, Parzaan DasturYash Raichand (A. Bachchan) möchte, dass sein ältester Sohn Rahul (S. Khan) die Tochter eines Geschäftspartners heiratet. Dieser hat sich jedoch in Anjali (Kajol) verliebt, die aus vergleichsweise einfachen Verhältnissen kommt. Nachdem er gegen den Willen seines Vaters Anjali ehelicht, wird er von ihm verstoßen und lebt fortan mit seiner Frau in London. Es vergehen 10 Jahre bis Rahuls jüngerer Bruder Rohan (H. Roshan) erfährt, weshalb Rahul damals das Elternhaus verlassen hat. Er beschließt nach London zu reisen und mit allen Mitteln die Familie wieder zu vereinen, denn vor allem ihre Mutter hat den Wegzug ihres ältesten Sohnes nie verkraftet. Rohan findet Rahul und versucht nun mit einer List den Rest der Familie nach London zu locken. Dass das nicht einfach wird, liegt auf der Hand ...
Orthodox Indian, Raichand, would like his two sons to live together with him and his wife, and get married to girls' of his choice. One of his sons, Rahul, is adopted, while Rohan is his real son. Rahul falls in love with a poor Indian girl named Anjali, and incurs the displeasure of Raichand, they argue and fight, as a result Rahul leaves the house, moves to Britain, and settles down. Raichand now focuses his attention on his real son, Rohan, who has no plans to get married, but is determined to bring Rahul and Anjali back home so that they can be together again. Will Raichand permit Rohan to have his way, or will he also ask him to leave the house?
Orthodox Indian, Raichand, would like his two sons to live together with him and his wife, and get married to girls' of his choice. One of his sons, Rahul, is adopted, while Rohan is his real son. Rahul falls in love with a poor Indian girl named Anjali, and incurs the displeasure of Raichand, they argue and fight, as a result Rahul leaves the house, moves to Britain, and settles down. Raichand now focuses his attention on his real son, Rohan, who has no plans to get married, but is determined to bring Rahul and Anjali back home so that they can be together again. Will Raichand permit Rohan to have his way, or will he also ask him to leave the house?