In This World - Aufbruch ins Ungewisse
Michael WinterbottomSchauspieler:
Jamal Udin Torabi, Enayatullah, Imran Paracha, Hiddayatullah, Jamau, Wakeel Khan, Lal Zarin, Ahsan Raza, Mirwais Torabi, Abdul Ahmad, Amanullah Torabi, Ramzan Ali, Chaman Ali, Rasheed, Allah BauhshErzählt wird die Geschichte von Jamal und Enayatullah und ihrer Flucht von der afghanischen Stadt Peshawar nach London. Armut und Elend lassen die beiden von einem besseren Leben in Europa träumen. Mit der finanziellen Unterstützung von Enayatullahs Familie wollen die beiden illegal nach London reisen. Ihre Reise geht über Land: länger und gefährlicher als mit dem Flugzeug, aber - und das ist entscheidend - viel günstiger.
In February 2002 in the Shamshatoo Refugee Camp in the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan, there are 53,000 refugees living in sub-human conditions since 1979 with the Soviet Union invasion and 2001 with the USA bombing and invasion of Afghanistan. The family of the Afghan Enayat and his cousin Jamal decides to send them illegally to London to have a better life. They hire coyotes to smuggle the cousins through Iran and Turkey to Italy and finally London hidden inside trucks and containers. However, the long journey locked in a container with other families poses a terrible challenge to the boys.
In February 2002 in the Shamshatoo Refugee Camp in the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan, there are 53,000 refugees living in sub-human conditions since 1979 with the Soviet Union invasion and 2001 with the USA bombing and invasion of Afghanistan. The family of the Afghan Enayat and his cousin Jamal decides to send them illegally to London to have a better life. They hire coyotes to smuggle the cousins through Iran and Turkey to Italy and finally London hidden inside trucks and containers. However, the long journey locked in a container with other families poses a terrible challenge to the boys.