William FruetSchauspieler:
Steve Railsback, Gwynyth Walsh, John Vernon, Joe Flaherty, Robin Duke, Susan Anspach, Don Lake, Helen Hughes, Sandy Webster, Joy Coghill, Ivan E. Roth, Bill Lake, Peter Van Wart, Don Ritchie, Stuart Stone, Marsha MoreauEin Gärtner verletzt sich an einer merkwürdigen Pflanze in seinem Gewächshaus und wird mit Krämpfen in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert, wo er stirbt, nachdem er eine larvenartige Kreatur ausgewürgt hat. Von der couragierten Ärztin Dr. Carson isoliert, wird das Biest von spielenden Kindern mit Wachstumsmittel gefüttert und wächst zu einem riesigen Insekt heran, das mordend durch die Gänge des Hospitals zieht. Der Polizei-Detective Bishop versucht mit Hilfe eines Entomologen das Monster, das mittlerweile im Heizkeller des Hauses in seiner Brutstätte nistet, aufzuspüren. Mit einem Laser-Untersuchungsgerät kann er es schließlich töten.
Routiniert gemachter Horrorfilm, der seine Vorbilder offensichtlich in den Monsterfilmen der 50er Jahre findet.
While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.
While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.