Into Pitch Black
M. David MelvinSchauspieler:
Vin Diesel, Lisa Saum, Brian Gant, William Roberts, Kevin Burnett, Andrew Bernard, Danny Stark, Heather Waters, Markus Hamilton, Mark Ribbins, Jorge Berrio, Alastair Love, Robert Ahola, Joe Russo, Clint McKinney, Danny MillerEin Polizist wird von seinem Übergebenen angewiesen einen flüchtigen Sträfling zu stellen: Richard B. Riddik. Dieser war an Bord des Transportraumschiffs "Hunter-Gratzner", mit welchem er von einem Kopfgeldjäger zur Strafkolonie "Slam City" gebracht wurde. Unterwegs trifft ein Metoritenschauer die Hunter-Gratzner und diese stürzt auf einem Wüstenplaneten ab. Eine von dem ermittelnden Polizisten angeheuerte Kopfgeldjägerin beginnt zu vermuten, dass hinter dem Absturz mehr als ein gewöhnlicher Unfall stecken könnte.
A policeman is assigned by his superior officer to find and apprehend escaped convict Richard B. Riddick. Riddick was being transported onboard space transport vessel "Hunter-Gratzner", where a bounty hunter who captured him was escorting him to the penal colony "Slam City" and claim the bounty on his head. On its way, the "Hunter-Gratzner" was struck by a meteor shower and crashed on a desert planet. A female bounty hunter hired by the the persuing policeman begins to suspect there is something more behind the "Hunter-Gratzner" incident.
A policeman is assigned by his superior officer to find and apprehend escaped convict Richard B. Riddick. Riddick was being transported onboard space transport vessel "Hunter-Gratzner", where a bounty hunter who captured him was escorting him to the penal colony "Slam City" and claim the bounty on his head. On its way, the "Hunter-Gratzner" was struck by a meteor shower and crashed on a desert planet. A female bounty hunter hired by the the persuing policeman begins to suspect there is something more behind the "Hunter-Gratzner" incident.