Into the Sun
Fritz KierschSchauspieler:
Anthony Michael Hall, Michael Paré, Deborah Moore, Terry Kiser, Brian Haley, Michael St. Gerard, Linden Ashby, Melissa Moore, Hunter von LeerArabien. Die sengende Wüste reicht bis zum Meer. Hier proben die besten Piloten der AMERICAN AIR FORCE ihre harten Jeteinsätze für den Ernstfall. Captain PAL WATKINS (Michel Pare) ist der Beste. Deshalb wird er gegen seinen Willen dazu abkommandiert dem Megastar TOM SADE (Anthony Michael Hall) das richtige Feeling für Flugszenen in seinem nächsten Film zu vermitteln. Aber aus dem Spiel wird blutiger Ernst: Ihr Düsenjäger wird über der Sahara von mysteriösen Kampfmaninen angegriffen und nach einer mörderischen Luftschlacht abgeschossen. WATKINS und SLADE versuchen sich zu ihren Stützpukt durch zu schlagen...
Paul Watkins (Michael Paré) is an American pilot stationed in the Middle East, who is taken away from his normal duties of protecting the skies to show an actor everything he needs to know about being a pilot in the Air Force. The actor, Tom Slade (Anthony Michael Hall), is about to start filming an Air Force movie and wants to "get the feeling" for the part. When Watkins takes Slade for a ride in an F-16 fighter, some other American jets are attacked and the pair comes to the rescue. However, it does not go according to the plan.
Paul Watkins (Michael Paré) is an American pilot stationed in the Middle East, who is taken away from his normal duties of protecting the skies to show an actor everything he needs to know about being a pilot in the Air Force. The actor, Tom Slade (Anthony Michael Hall), is about to start filming an Air Force movie and wants to "get the feeling" for the part. When Watkins takes Slade for a ride in an F-16 fighter, some other American jets are attacked and the pair comes to the rescue. However, it does not go according to the plan.