Isis & Osiris - Die Armee der Finsternis
Lisa PalenicaSchauspieler:
Priya Rai, Seth Gandrud, James Bartholet, William 'Bill' ConnorEine bunt zusammen gewürfelte Gruppe von Studenten trifft sich im Keller des Völkerkundemuseums, um gemeinsam erst heimlich ein illegales Friedenspfeifchen zu qualmen und dann unter Anleitung ihres jugendlichen Professors eine Hieroglyphenwand zu entziffern. Versehentlich erwecken sie dabei mit ihren achtlos ausgesprochenen Beschwörungen eine vor Jahrtausenden verschiedene ägyptische Gottkönigin, die nun keine Zeit verstreichen lässt, um unter möglichst vielen Menschenopfern ihre Herrschaft auf Erden zu reinstallieren.
Kein geringerer als Pornostar Priya Rai ("Mommy Got Boobs 2") spielt die dürftig beschürzte Mumie des Pharao in diesem gut gelaunten und von keinerlei Tiefgang getrübten Trashhorror-Fantasyvergnügen aus der dritten oder vierten Liga Hollywoods (dem San Fernando Valley, vulgo). Die Darsteller sind jederzeit bemüht, das vorhersehbare Grauen mit komödiantischen Einlagen zu konterkarieren, ohne dass auf dem einen wie auf dem anderen Gebiet sonderliche Erfolge erzielt würden.
In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris' death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum's new acquisitions with their teacher, Prof. Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis' lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group.
In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris' death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum's new acquisitions with their teacher, Prof. Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis' lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group.