Ist ja irre - Agenten auf dem Pulverfaß
Gerald ThomasSchauspieler:
Barbara Windsor, Kenneth Williams, Jim Dale, Charles Hawtrey, Tom Clegg, Bernard Cribbins, Eric Barker, Dilys Laye, Richard Wattis, Eric Pohlmann, Victor Maddern, Judith Furse, John Bluthal, Renee Houston, Jack TaylorEine Gruppe von Neulingen im Spionagegeschäft stiftet bei der Jagd nach der von einer Untergrund-Organisation gestohlenen Geheimformel in ganz Europa und Nordafrika haarsträubende Verwirrung. Dr. Crow – Mann und Frau in einer Person – will Agentin Daphne, ausgestattet mit photographischem Gedächtnis, die Geheimformel entlocken. Ein turbulenter Agentenschwank, der das Genre auf die Schippe nimmt.
A top secret chemical formula has been stolen by STENCH (the Society for the Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans), and so Agent Simpkins and his three trainees are hot on the trail, chasing the villains across the world. There are gadgets galore, and disguises are compulsory if the heroes are to win the day from The Fat Man, Dr Milchman and Dr Crow!
A top secret chemical formula has been stolen by STENCH (the Society for the Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans), and so Agent Simpkins and his three trainees are hot on the trail, chasing the villains across the world. There are gadgets galore, and disguises are compulsory if the heroes are to win the day from The Fat Man, Dr Milchman and Dr Crow!