Francis VeberSchauspieler:
Jean Reno, Patrick Bruel, Harrison Lowe, Patricia Velásquez, Alexandra Vandernoot, Danny Trejo, Roland Blanche, Christian Bouillette, Francis Lemaire, François Perrot, Alain BouziguesBei einem Frankreich-Aufenthalt trifft der Schamane Wanu aus dem Amazonas-Dschungel auf den Playboy Perrin und weicht ihm nicht mehr von der Seite. Perrin soll der lange gesuchte Retter seines Volkes sein. Als Wanu in ein unerklärliches Koma fällt, erklärt sich Perrin bereit, mit dem Weltenbummler Campana in den Regenwald zu reisen, um dort nach Wanus Seele zu suchen. Dort angekommen, wird Perrin in Probleme mit Umweltverbrechern verwickelt.
Mit Komik aufgepepptes Exotik-Abenteuer im Amazonas, in dem zwei Europäer ausziehen, um die Seele eines Yanomani zu finden.
A shaman from the South American rain forest visits France for a public relations campaign. In a hotel's elevator in Paris he meets a French good-for-nothing named Perrin he's fascinated with. He follows Perrin to his flat and although Perrin is not very enthusiastic about so much interest in his person, he lets the shaman spend the night in his flat. After an official meeting on the next day being part of the PR campaign the shaman suffers from a heart attack. Hardly being able to speak and laying in a hospital bed he demands to see Perrin. The latter is not very interested in meeting the shaman again. However it looks like it is to late for animosities as the shaman and Perrin seem to be tied mentally somehow since they've met in the elevator.
A shaman from the South American rain forest visits France for a public relations campaign. In a hotel's elevator in Paris he meets a French good-for-nothing named Perrin he's fascinated with. He follows Perrin to his flat and although Perrin is not very enthusiastic about so much interest in his person, he lets the shaman spend the night in his flat. After an official meeting on the next day being part of the PR campaign the shaman suffers from a heart attack. Hardly being able to speak and laying in a hospital bed he demands to see Perrin. The latter is not very interested in meeting the shaman again. However it looks like it is to late for animosities as the shaman and Perrin seem to be tied mentally somehow since they've met in the elevator.