Jamils Schwester
Александр ГалибинSchauspieler:
Арслан Крымчурин, Марта Кесслер, Юсуф Рахметов, Ильгиза Гильманова, Сулпан Абдрахимова, Рауис Загитов, Віталій Салій, Nazhiba Iskandarova, Руслан Хайсаров, Gulnaz Khaysarova, Sagidulla Baizigitov, Irada Kadyrova, Vladimir Kuzin, Fanis Rakhmetov, Timur Garipov, Aibulat GumerovWinter 1945 in einem baschkirischen Dorf: Der sechsjährige Jamil wartet auf das Ende des Krieges. Dann kommt hoffentlich sein Vater nach Hause, den er nur von Fotos und Briefen kennt. Eines Tages fährt Jamils Mutter in eine Stadt und bringt Oksana, ein stilles Mädchen, mit nach Hause. Jamil soll sich um sie kümmern wie um eine Schwester. Oksana taut langsam auf und erfährt auch Jamils Geheimnis.
How many Yamil remembers himself, war has always been. He is very much waiting for it to end - after all, then the father will return, whom the boy knows only from photographs and letters. One day, Mom leaves for a distant city and brings the silent girl Oksana with her. Mum transmits the order of his father to take care of Oksana, as if he was a little sister ... A film adaptation of the story “The Joy of Our Home” by the classic of Soviet literature Mustay Karim.
How many Yamil remembers himself, war has always been. He is very much waiting for it to end - after all, then the father will return, whom the boy knows only from photographs and letters. One day, Mom leaves for a distant city and brings the silent girl Oksana with her. Mum transmits the order of his father to take care of Oksana, as if he was a little sister ... A film adaptation of the story “The Joy of Our Home” by the classic of Soviet literature Mustay Karim.