Jan FehseSchauspieler:
Anne Schäfer, Wiebke PulsKindsmörderin Jasmin sitzt als Gefangene in der Psychiatrie und soll nun die nächsten Tage der Ärztin Dr. Feldt Auskunft über ihre schockierende Tat geben - damit für den anstehenden Prozess ein psychiatrisches Gutachten über ihre Schuldfähigkeit angefertigt werden kann. Mit Blutergüssen am Hals vom gescheiterten Suizid muss die an einer schweren Depression Erkrankte ihre gesamte Biographie und ihr Innerstes enthüllen und offenbart einer reservierten bis abweisenden Zuhörerin erschreckende Stationen eines tragischen Lebens bis zur Verzweiflungstat.
An intimate drama based on actual cases about a woman who murdered her own child. Interviewed by a psychiatrist, she recounts how she got in a seemingly hopeless situation which led her to believe that the killing of her child and a subsequent suicide where the only solution left. As more and more fragments of her desolate life are revealed, it becomes evident that the psychiatrist is also keeping a dark secret, and that she has in fact more in common with her patient as the latter would have guessed.
An intimate drama based on actual cases about a woman who murdered her own child. Interviewed by a psychiatrist, she recounts how she got in a seemingly hopeless situation which led her to believe that the killing of her child and a subsequent suicide where the only solution left. As more and more fragments of her desolate life are revealed, it becomes evident that the psychiatrist is also keeping a dark secret, and that she has in fact more in common with her patient as the latter would have guessed.