Thomas NapperSchauspieler:
Ian McShane, Ray Winstone, Michael Smiley, Johnny Harris, Luke J.I. Smith, Anna Wilson-Hall, Ernest Vernon, Lee Latham, Haqi Ali, Kirstie Shannon, David Cronin, Neil Bradley, Jermaine Allen, Manoj Anand, Jamie-Lee Beacher, Martyn ClarkeDie erfolgreichen Zeiten seiner Jugend sind für Boxer Jimmy McCabe (Johnny Harris) längst vergangen. Obwohl er nie die Hoffnung verliert, scheint er doch immer an den falschen Stellen danach zu suchen. Als er schließlich ganz unten angekommen ist, bleibt ihm nur der Rückhalt seines Boxclubs. Der Besitzer Bill (Ray Winstone), Kampfpromoter Joe (Ian McShane) und Corner Man Eddie (Michael Smiley) stellen die einzige Familie dar, die ihm noch bleibt. Gemeinsam mit ihnen nimmt er das Training auf und riskiert sein Leben, um sich einen respektierten Platz in der Box-Szene zurückzuerobern.
A former youth boxing champion, Jimmy McCabe is a man in search of hope but looking in all the wrong places. When he hits rock bottom he turns to his childhood boxing club and the only family he has left: gym owner Bill corner man Eddie and promoter Joe. Back in training, years after anyone thought he was a contender, he risks his life, as he tries to stand tall and regain his place in the world.
A former youth boxing champion, Jimmy McCabe is a man in search of hope but looking in all the wrong places. When he hits rock bottom he turns to his childhood boxing club and the only family he has left: gym owner Bill corner man Eddie and promoter Joe. Back in training, years after anyone thought he was a contender, he risks his life, as he tries to stand tall and regain his place in the world.