Jellyfish - Vom Meer getragen
Shira Geffen, Etgar KeretSchauspieler:
Sarah Adler, Tsipor Aizen, Bruria Albeck, Ilanit Ben-Yaakov, Assi Dayan, Miri Fabian, Shosha Goren, Jonathan Gurfinkel, Gera Sandler, Nikol Leidman, Noa Raban, Ma-nenita De Latorre, Zaharira HarifaiDrei Frauen in Tel Aviv: Nachdem sich Keren (Noa Knoller) ausgerechnet bei ihrer Hochzeitsfeier ein Bein gebrochen hat, kann sie die Flitterwochen in der Karibik abschreiben und begnügt sich mit Heimaturlaub, der sie zu einer geheimnisvollen Dichterin führt. Am Strand findet Batya (Sarah Adler) ein Mädchen, das direkt aus dem Meer zu kommen scheint. Die Philippinin Joy arbeitet als Pflegerin und hilft unbeabsichtigt einer alten Dame bei der Aussöhnung mit ihrer Tochter.
Tragikomödie, die in humoresken und melancholischen Episoden von geradezu surrealer Qualität die Ängste und Sehnsüchte im kuriosen Alltag seiner Figuren entdeckt. Das Debüt des israelischen Kultautors Etgar Keret über eine in Unordnung geratene Welt wurde in Cannes ausgezeichnet.
Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.
Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.