Jenseits der Träume
Neil JordanSchauspieler:
Robert Downey Jr., Aidan Quinn, Annette Bening, Paul Guilfoyle, Samantha Kelly, Katie Sagona, Kathleen Langlois, Jennifer Berry, Emma J. Brown, Jennifer Dragon, Jennifer Caine Natenshon, Bethany M. Paquin, Erica Sullivan, Amelia Claire Novotny, Kristin SrokaDie Kinderbuch-Illustratorin Claire Cooper wird von verstörenden Visionen heimgesucht. Im Geiste übermittelt ihr ein Serienkiller schreckliche Momente aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Darunter leidet vor allem ihre Ehe mit dem Piloten Paul. Als eines Tages die gemeinsame Tochter tot aufgefunden wird, bedeutet dies für Claire die Einweisung in eine geschlossene Anstalt. Mit den Nerven am Ende beschließt die Zeichnerin, sich dem Serienkiller zu stellen und macht sich zu dessen mysteriöser Behausung auf…
Mit symbolträchtigen Bildern beladener Psycho-Thriller von Neil Jordan, der Themen wie Parapsychologie, Verlustangst, Serienmord und psychische Verwirrung einbringt.
The housewife Claire Cooper is married with the pilot Paul Cooper and their little daughter Rebecca is their pride and joy. When a stranger kidnaps a girl, Claire dreams about the man but Detective Jack Kay ignores her concerns. But when Rebecca disappears during a school play, Claire learns that her visions were actually premonitions and she is connected to the killer through her dreams. She has a nervous breakdown and tries to commit suicide. Her psychologist Dr. Silverman sends her to a mental institution and soon she finds that her husband will be the next victim of the serial-killer. Further, the serial-killer was interned in the same cell in the hospital where she is. Will Claire be able to save Paul?
The housewife Claire Cooper is married with the pilot Paul Cooper and their little daughter Rebecca is their pride and joy. When a stranger kidnaps a girl, Claire dreams about the man but Detective Jack Kay ignores her concerns. But when Rebecca disappears during a school play, Claire learns that her visions were actually premonitions and she is connected to the killer through her dreams. She has a nervous breakdown and tries to commit suicide. Her psychologist Dr. Silverman sends her to a mental institution and soon she finds that her husband will be the next victim of the serial-killer. Further, the serial-killer was interned in the same cell in the hospital where she is. Will Claire be able to save Paul?