Jets - Helden der Lüfte
Olga LopatoSchauspieler:
Josh Duhamel, Hilary Duff, Gregg Berger, David Boat, Aleksey Frandetti, Ben Diskin, Aleksandr Ilin, Antonina Berezka, Jeff Berg, Anfisa Chekhova, Ron Fleishman, Valentin Gaft, Aleksandr Golovin, Wes Hubbard, Ilya KhvostikovDas junge, wilde Flugzeug Maverick will unbedingt beim Flugwettbewerb gewinnen. Doch als Favorit wird der ebenso coole wie rücksichtslose Iceman gehandelt. Um ihn zu schlagen, muss Maverick noch Einiges dazulernen. Veteran Vet ist bereit, Maverick in seinem heruntergekommenen Hangar zu unterrichten. Maverick macht auch Fortschritte. Doch wird er abgelenkt, denn er verliebt sich in das charmante Leichtflugzeug Lightning. Sie verfolgt ihre eigene Agenda.
3D-Animationsabenteuer aus russischer Produktion, das mit Disneys "Planes" die Protagonisten gemein hat. Die klassische, einfache Außenseiter-Aufsteiger-Story bietet einen Mix aus Spannung und Humor für ein jüngeres Publikum. "The Voice of Germany"-Teilnehmer Michael Schulte liefert den Titelsong und verleiht einer Figur seine Stimme. Constantin von Jascheroff spricht die Hauptfigur.
A few weeks before a big airshow competition one young aircraft fighter gets his acceptance letter to take part in this prestigious competition. Determined to be the next champion, Ace ventures out to find and train with Colonel, a legendary retired aircraft fighter. As training begins Colonel sets a very disciplined schedule teaching Ace new aircraft tricks and speed tactics. As training continues, lurking in the wings of the flight training camp, Cyclone sets up an evil plan, using Windy as bait, to distract Ace and make sure that he will be the next airshow champion. On the day of the big competition, Ace and Cyclone compete against each other leaving only one brave aircraft fighter, not only the champion, but a hero.
A few weeks before a big airshow competition one young aircraft fighter gets his acceptance letter to take part in this prestigious competition. Determined to be the next champion, Ace ventures out to find and train with Colonel, a legendary retired aircraft fighter. As training begins Colonel sets a very disciplined schedule teaching Ace new aircraft tricks and speed tactics. As training continues, lurking in the wings of the flight training camp, Cyclone sets up an evil plan, using Windy as bait, to distract Ace and make sure that he will be the next airshow champion. On the day of the big competition, Ace and Cyclone compete against each other leaving only one brave aircraft fighter, not only the champion, but a hero.