Joshy - Ein voll geiles Wochenende
Jeff BaenaSchauspieler:
Thomas Middleditch, Adam Pally, Alex Ross Perry, Nick KrollNachdem seine Verlobung abrupt endet, fahren Joshy und seine Freunde nach Ojai, Kalifornien, wo sie eigentlich Junggesellenabschied feiern wollten. Um Joshy über die jüngsten Ereignisse hinwegzuhelfen, verwandeln die Jungs den Kurztrip in ein rauschendes Wochenende voller Drogen, Alkohol, Ausschweifungen und Whirlpools.
After his engagement ends badly, Josh decides to take advantage of his bachelor-party plans in Ojai, California, with the few friends still willing to join him. Focused on drugs and their own hangups, his self-absorbed friends refuse to confront the elephant in the room and ask Josh how he’s feeling. As welcome and unwelcome guests stop by, Josh will attempt to find some closure over this weekend with the guys.
After his engagement ends badly, Josh decides to take advantage of his bachelor-party plans in Ojai, California, with the few friends still willing to join him. Focused on drugs and their own hangups, his self-absorbed friends refuse to confront the elephant in the room and ask Josh how he’s feeling. As welcome and unwelcome guests stop by, Josh will attempt to find some closure over this weekend with the guys.