Käpt'n Säbelzahn und der Schatz von Lama Rama
John Andreas Andersen, Lisa Marie GamlemSchauspieler:
Tuva Novotny, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Fridtjov Såheim, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Jon Øigarden, Pia Tjelta, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Robert Skjærstad, Nils Jørgen Kaalstad, Janne Formoe, Andreas Cappelen, Ask von der HagenDer elfjährige Vollwaise Pinky träumt davon, als Schiffsjunge mit der Crew des berühmt-berüchtigten Käpt'n Säbelzahn auf die Jagd nach Goldschätzen zu gehen. Als er vom Barschen Björn entführt wird, kommt er schon viel früher als gedacht in den Genuss eines waschechten Abenteuers. Am Ende landet er mit Säbelzahn und der Mannschaft der Dark Lady in Lama Rama, wo es gilt, einen verrückten König und seinen intriganten Bruder um deren Reichtümer zu erleichtern. Doch ist es wirklich Gold allein, das glücklich macht?
Mit dem Piratenabenteuer nach einer populären norwegischen Figur versucht sich das Regie-Duo John Andreas Andersen und Lisa Marie Gamlem an einer Art "Pirates of the Caribbean" für Kids.
Captain Sabertooths world sets the stage for stormy and magnificent adventures, in which the children demonstrate courage, shrewdness and vigour in their battle against evil. The audience will enter the pirate vessel The Black Lady and join the youngster Tiny and his girl friend Raven on an adventurous voyage from the pirate alleys in Abra Harbour to the colourful and exotic Lama Rama. Together with Captain Sabertooth and his crew, they brave towering waves and travel through deep jungles in their search for King Rufus fabled treasure. The film is a thrilling story, in which we follow a young boy in tireless search for the truth about his missing father. This voyage evolves into an adventure which will change Tinys life forever. Captain Sabertooth and the Lama Rama Treasure will be a magnificent and humorous live action feature film for the whole family.
Captain Sabertooths world sets the stage for stormy and magnificent adventures, in which the children demonstrate courage, shrewdness and vigour in their battle against evil. The audience will enter the pirate vessel The Black Lady and join the youngster Tiny and his girl friend Raven on an adventurous voyage from the pirate alleys in Abra Harbour to the colourful and exotic Lama Rama. Together with Captain Sabertooth and his crew, they brave towering waves and travel through deep jungles in their search for King Rufus fabled treasure. The film is a thrilling story, in which we follow a young boy in tireless search for the truth about his missing father. This voyage evolves into an adventure which will change Tinys life forever. Captain Sabertooth and the Lama Rama Treasure will be a magnificent and humorous live action feature film for the whole family.