Kalter Hauch
Michael WinnerSchauspieler:
Charles Bronson, Jan-Michael Vincent, Keenan Wynn, Jill Ireland, Linda Ridgeway, Frank De Kova, James Davidson, Lindsay Crosby, Steve Cory, Tak Kubota, Patrick O'Moore, Martin Gordon, Celeste Yarnall, Athena Lorde, Alison Rose, Howard MortonAuftragskiller Arthur Bishop, genannt der Mechaniker, erledigt seine Jobs präzise, perfekt und ohne Spuren, lässt die Morde wie Unfälle aussehen, auch den an seinem alten Freund McKenna. Bishop ist so abgebrüht, dass er dessen Sohn Steve ausbildet, der schnell lernt. Bishop unterlaufen Unachtsamkeiten. Der Boss gibt Bishop die Chance zur Wiedergutmachung: Er soll als letzten Spezialauftrag in Italien einen Mafioso töten. Als der Job erledigt ist, tötet McKenna Bishop. Er freut sich zu früh: Bishop hat eine Sprengladung in seinem Ferrari installiert.
Arthur Bishop is a veteran hit man who, owing to his penchant for making his targets' deaths seem like accidents, thinks himself an artist. It's made him very rich, but as he hits middle age, he's so depressed and lonely that he takes on one of his victim's sons, Steve McKenna, as his apprentice. Arthur puts him through a rigorous training period and brings him on several hits. As Steven improves, Arthur worries that he'll discover who killed his father.
Arthur Bishop is a veteran hit man who, owing to his penchant for making his targets' deaths seem like accidents, thinks himself an artist. It's made him very rich, but as he hits middle age, he's so depressed and lonely that he takes on one of his victim's sons, Steve McKenna, as his apprentice. Arthur puts him through a rigorous training period and brings him on several hits. As Steven improves, Arthur worries that he'll discover who killed his father.