Kampf der Roboter
Charles BandSchauspieler:
Paul Ganus, Megan Ward, Ralph Waite, Bill Moseley, Eva LaRue, Jack McGee, Elizabeth Maclellan, Katherine Armstrong, John Davis Chandler, Kristopher Logan, David DeCoteau, John Schouweiler, Michael Shamus WilesDer gigantische Medienkonzern "UNICOM" hat nach dem Zusammenbruch der Weltwirtschaft in fast allen Bereichen eine Marktbeherrschende Position eingenommen. Piratensender sind dem Konzern trotzdem ein Dorn im Auge und so schleust der Konzern einen Androiden in die Reihen eine kleinen Piratensenders ein und läßt den Betreiber ermorden. Das löst jedoch unerwarteterweise einen Aufstand gegen die Machenschaften des Konzerns aus ...
Unicom is a powerful organization overseeing most of the world after its economic collapse. They have banned computers and robots in an attempt to insure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of economic stability". When a Unicom Synth robot infiltrates a southwest TV station and kills the manager, a revolutionary against the gestapo-like corporation, a lowly Unicom delivery man must help the rest of the station survive through the incoming "thermal storm".
Unicom is a powerful organization overseeing most of the world after its economic collapse. They have banned computers and robots in an attempt to insure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of economic stability". When a Unicom Synth robot infiltrates a southwest TV station and kills the manager, a revolutionary against the gestapo-like corporation, a lowly Unicom delivery man must help the rest of the station survive through the incoming "thermal storm".