Kein Sex ist auch keine Lösung
Torsten WackerSchauspieler:
Stephan Luca, Marleen Lohse, Anna Thalbach, Johannes Allmayer, Oliver Fleischer, Tetje Mierendorf, Armin Rohde, Corinna Harfouch, Michael Lott, Janin Reinhardt, Carolin Spiess, Daniel Wiemer, Stefan Kretzschmar, Felicitas Woll, Alexander Bornhuetter, Collien Ulmen-FernandesWerbefachmann Tom macht auf Frauenversteher, um die weibliche Beute schnell ins Bett zu schleppen und schnell cool abzuservieren. Das funktioniert, bis die neue Art-Direktorin seine Regel außer Kraft setzt und den Spieß umdreht. Die Freunde sind wenig hilfreich, weil ebenfalls im Geschlechterkampf aktiv, seine lebenslustige Mutter verführt sogar seinen besten Kumpel, die Agentur steht auf der Kippe, und bald weiß Tom nicht mehr, was los ist. Sogar die asexuelle Mitbewohnerin stöckelt plötzlich frisch verliebt durchs Leben.
Die deutsche Beziehungskomödie feiert ihr Revival nach dem Bestseller der Hamburger Autorin Mia Morgowski und setzt auf althergebrachte Komplikationen wie Eifersucht und Missverständnisse, die selbstverständlich zum Happy End führen, wenn jeder Topf den passenden Deckel findet. Das harmlose Vergnügen mit einer aufgekratzten Corinna Harfouch, einer sexy Marleen Lohse und dem irritierten "Macho" Stephan Luca amüsiert durch die Aneinanderreihung von Sketchen. Gute Samstagabendunterhaltung garantiert.
The recruiter Tom Moreno (Stephan Luca) are familiar with women and how they, after you won it for themselves, going on at the latest after the third time back to. As ELISA (Marleen Lohse), the new art director of his agency, doesn't want to exit on this scam, Tom falls into a crisis of meaning. But even his friends have to contend with their problems: Vince (Oliver Fleischer) finds his wife in Tom's bed. By Tom's mother (Corinna Harfouch), Luke (Johannes Allmayer) learns that sex is not a solution. Tom's roommate Paule (Anna Thalbach) fell into a tie holder (Michael Lott) and mutated by the buddy type to the Femme fatale. His Chief Rolf created him (Armin Rohde) also still, that the Agency is virtually broke. Tom starts for the first time, to reconsider his old proven lifestyle.
The recruiter Tom Moreno (Stephan Luca) are familiar with women and how they, after you won it for themselves, going on at the latest after the third time back to. As ELISA (Marleen Lohse), the new art director of his agency, doesn't want to exit on this scam, Tom falls into a crisis of meaning. But even his friends have to contend with their problems: Vince (Oliver Fleischer) finds his wife in Tom's bed. By Tom's mother (Corinna Harfouch), Luke (Johannes Allmayer) learns that sex is not a solution. Tom's roommate Paule (Anna Thalbach) fell into a tie holder (Michael Lott) and mutated by the buddy type to the Femme fatale. His Chief Rolf created him (Armin Rohde) also still, that the Agency is virtually broke. Tom starts for the first time, to reconsider his old proven lifestyle.