Peter Brosens, Jessica WoodworthSchauspieler:
Batzul Khayankhyarvaa, Tsetsegee Byamba, Banzar Damchaa, Tserendarizav Dashnyam, Dugarsuren Dagvadorj, Uuriintuya Enkhtaivan, Otgontogos Namsrai, Gereisukh Otgon, Bat-Erdene DamdinsurenObwohl er von seinem verstorbenen Vater die Fähigkeit zum Schamanen geerbt hat, hütet der 17-jährige Mongole Bagi (Khayankhyarvaa Batzul) lieber Schafe in den weiten Steppen seines Landes. Die Nomadenidylle fernab der Zivilisation endet jäh, als Soldaten ihn und seine Familie aufgrund einer angeblichen Schafseuche umsiedeln. Fortan vegetieren sie in einer tristen Bergbausiedlung vor sich hin, bis Bagi seiner Berufung folgt, Kohlediebin Zolzaya (Byamba Tsetsegee) rettet und ein Komplott entdeckt.
Sprödes wie meditatives Kino für anspruchsvolle Zuschauer, das sich in der Grauzone zwischen Doku und Fiction bewegt und die Vertreibung traditioneller Hirten aus der Natur überaus kritisch und anklagend thematisiert. Mitunter versetzt das mystische Drama regelrecht in Trance.
Magical realism, epilepsy, and the steppes of Mongolia. A pilot dies. His son Bagi, who, like his father, has epilepsy, grows up on the steppes, herding sheep, subject to fits. A plague among the animals forces the family off their land to a city where Bagi gets a mining job. His seizures become more frequent and bring visions in this wasteland of strip mining, factories, and rubble. He falls in with a troupe of student performers after saving the life of one of their number. As the crisis of his people deepens - herders without flocks - Bagi uses the visions to seek direction. Can he save his people, and can he find love?
Magical realism, epilepsy, and the steppes of Mongolia. A pilot dies. His son Bagi, who, like his father, has epilepsy, grows up on the steppes, herding sheep, subject to fits. A plague among the animals forces the family off their land to a city where Bagi gets a mining job. His seizures become more frequent and bring visions in this wasteland of strip mining, factories, and rubble. He falls in with a troupe of student performers after saving the life of one of their number. As the crisis of his people deepens - herders without flocks - Bagi uses the visions to seek direction. Can he save his people, and can he find love?