Khumba - Das Zebra ohne Streifen am Popo
Anthony SilverstonSchauspieler:
Liam Neeson, Laurence Fishburne, Steve Buscemi, Dee Bradley Baker, Jake T. Austin, AnnaSophia Robb, Jeff Bennett, Charles Adler, Catherine Tate, Richard E. Grant, Loretta Devine, Anika Noni Rose, Rouel Beukes, Hannes Brummer, Mason CharlesDie Geburt des Zebrafohlen Khumba steht unter keinem guten Stern. Erstens droht das Wasserloch im gut gesicherten Heimatrevier zu versiegen, weil es seit Monaten nicht geregnet hat. Zweitens hat Khumba am Hinterleib keine Streifen, was alle für ein echt schlechtes Omen halten. Als eine Gottesanbeterin dem Fohlen die Karte zu einem weit entfernten Wasserloch zeichnet, bricht der Dreikäsehoch auf eigene Faust auf, das Wasser zu finden und sein Rudel zu retten. Unterwegs findet Khumba sowohl gute Freunde als auch erbitterte Feinde.
Im Zuge der Erschwinglichwerdung von dreidimensionalen Trickfilmen springen die Südafrikaner an Bord und kredenzen Freunden putziger Tierabenteuer das tapfere kleine Zebra. Nach guter Sitte ist der Held ein versprengter Außenseiter, der es dann allen zeigt. Technik, Stil und Inhalt lassen wenig zu wünschen übrig, für lehrreiche Lektionen ist ebenso gesorgt wie für Action. Von den prominenten US-Sprechern hat der deutsche Kunde natürlich nur etwas in der Originalfassung.
A half-striped zebra is born into an insular, isolated herd obsessed with stripes. Rumors that the strange foal is cursed spread and, before long, he is blamed for the drought that sets into the Great Karoo. When even his father, the leader of the herd, blames him for the lack of rain and the subsequent death of his mother, the outcast zebra leaves the confines of his home knowing that he cannot survive in the herd without all his stripes. Khumba ventures beyond the fence - vulnerable to the ferocious Leopard, Phango, who controls the waterholes and terrorizes the animals in the Great Karoo. Khumba is rescued from an opportunistic wild dog by a quirky duo: a wildebeest and an ostrich. Mama V is a self-confessed free spirit who does not want to be the average stay-at-home mom, like other wildebeest. Ironically, she mothers Bradley, a flamboyant but insecure ostrich who overcompensates for his scraggily feathers. When a mystical mantis appears to the foal, drawing a map to what could be...
A half-striped zebra is born into an insular, isolated herd obsessed with stripes. Rumors that the strange foal is cursed spread and, before long, he is blamed for the drought that sets into the Great Karoo. When even his father, the leader of the herd, blames him for the lack of rain and the subsequent death of his mother, the outcast zebra leaves the confines of his home knowing that he cannot survive in the herd without all his stripes. Khumba ventures beyond the fence - vulnerable to the ferocious Leopard, Phango, who controls the waterholes and terrorizes the animals in the Great Karoo. Khumba is rescued from an opportunistic wild dog by a quirky duo: a wildebeest and an ostrich. Mama V is a self-confessed free spirit who does not want to be the average stay-at-home mom, like other wildebeest. Ironically, she mothers Bradley, a flamboyant but insecure ostrich who overcompensates for his scraggily feathers. When a mystical mantis appears to the foal, drawing a map to what could be...