Kicking Off
Matt WildeSchauspieler:
Warren Brown, Greg McHugh, Alistair Petrie, Danielle BuxObwohl ihr geliebtes Fußballteam bislang eine katastrophale Saison hingelegt hat, pilgern die loyalen Fans Wigsy und Cliff jeden Samstag gemeinsam mit Tausenden von weiteren treuen Anhängern des Vereins ins Stadion, um ihre Jungs zu unterstützen. Doch heute steht ein ganz besonderes Spiel an: Es geht um nichts Geringeres als um den Klassenerhalt. Das Team muss gewinnen, um in der Liga zu bleiben. Eine Niederlage würde den bitteren Abstieg bedeuten. Ihre Freude ist dementsprechend riesig, als die Mannschaft in der Schlussphase den langersehnten Führungstreffer landet – umso größer jedoch die darauffolgende Ernüchterung, denn der Schiedsrichter erkennt den Treffer nicht an. Nachdem das Spiel dann auch noch mit einem Tor für das gegnerische Team zu Ende geht, beschließen die beiden Kumpel rasend vor Wut, den Schiedsrichter zu entführen…
Kicking Off starts with the most important game of the season. Loyal fans Wigsy and Cliff watch in trepidation as their football team score the goal that will save them from relegation. Victory is bliss as a chorus of supporters chant and cry with elation. However, this frenzy of happiness quickly turns ugly as the referee disallows the deciding goal. With their hearts and fists pumping, adrenalin running and fury racing through their bloodstream, the fans take matters into their own hands and Cliff makes the fatal mistake of planning while intoxicated. Wigsy, a confirmed idiot, follows through with the said plan and in the darkest hours of the night he commits a crime that will cause chaos and catastrophe for him and his best mate Cliff. Kicking Off is cleverly filmed with split screen shots and slow motion montages. The characters are lovable thugs who will leave you laughing and grimacing at their lack of common sense. The beautiful game just got ugly.
Kicking Off starts with the most important game of the season. Loyal fans Wigsy and Cliff watch in trepidation as their football team score the goal that will save them from relegation. Victory is bliss as a chorus of supporters chant and cry with elation. However, this frenzy of happiness quickly turns ugly as the referee disallows the deciding goal. With their hearts and fists pumping, adrenalin running and fury racing through their bloodstream, the fans take matters into their own hands and Cliff makes the fatal mistake of planning while intoxicated. Wigsy, a confirmed idiot, follows through with the said plan and in the darkest hours of the night he commits a crime that will cause chaos and catastrophe for him and his best mate Cliff. Kicking Off is cleverly filmed with split screen shots and slow motion montages. The characters are lovable thugs who will leave you laughing and grimacing at their lack of common sense. The beautiful game just got ugly.