King Kong lebt
John GuillerminSchauspieler:
John Ashton, Linda Hamilton, Brian Kerwin, Peter Elliott, George Antoni, Peter Michael Goetz, Frank Maraden, Alan Sader, Lou Criscuolo, Marc Clement, Richard Rhodes, Larry Souder, Ted Prichard, Jayne Gray, Debbie McLeodKing Kong im Koma. Vor 10 Jahren stürzte der liebeskranke Riesenaffe vom Empire State Building und überlebte. Zurück blieb allein ein schwerer Herzfehler. Zur Transplantation eines Kunstherzens braucht die Chirurgin Amy Franklin Affenblut in Mengen. So kommt Lady Kong ins Spiel. Eingeschifft aus Borneo, spendet sie ihrem Artgenossen den nötigen Lebenssaft. Doch nach der Operation folgt das böse Erwachen. Zwar gesundheitlich wohlauf, finden sich die Kongs in Ketten. Die werden kurzerhand zersprengt, um in den Bergen von Tennessee kleine Kongs in die Wälder zu setzen. Doch die Liebe währt nicht lang. Mit schwerem Geschütz zieht die US-Armee erneut in den Kampf gegen den Riesenprimaten.
A giant ape King Kong, which was shot and fell off the World Trade Center tower, appears to be alive, but is in coma for 10 years and desperately needs a blood transfusion in order to have an artificial heart implanted. Suddenly, in the rainforest, another gigantic ape is found - this time a female. She is brought to the USA, and the heart is successfully implanted. But then King Kong, having sensed the female ape, breaks loose.
A giant ape King Kong, which was shot and fell off the World Trade Center tower, appears to be alive, but is in coma for 10 years and desperately needs a blood transfusion in order to have an artificial heart implanted. Suddenly, in the rainforest, another gigantic ape is found - this time a female. She is brought to the USA, and the heart is successfully implanted. But then King Kong, having sensed the female ape, breaks loose.