Klassenfahrt - Geknutscht wird immer
Lars MontagSchauspieler:
Josefine Preuß, Marlon Kittel, Kostja Ullmann, Tom Lass, Jennifer Ulrich, Mark Dimant, Yasmin Asadie, Philipp Danne, Claudia Fritzsche, Antoine Monot Jr., Karla Trippel, Katrin Pollitt, Jacob WeigertDie Parallelklasse darf in die Toskana, die 11 c muss ins Sauerland. Während die Lehrer "megaspannende" Vogelkundewanderungen organisieren, sind die Schüler mit Flirtarrangements, Alkoholbeschaffung und Intrigen ausgelastet - und das ist erheblich witziger und geistreicher geschildert, als der Titel ahnen lässt.
Not Rome, Paris or Florence - the 11c class trip goes to the “spectacular” Sauerland. Nessie, the class representative, is to blame for this; she chose the desolate destination. It's clear that something like this doesn't go without consequences: As soon as he arrives at the country school, the newcomer Erik reveals the secret about Nessie's "full" breasts in front of the entire team. The receipt comes promptly: Nessie gives him a bloody nose and starts a campaign of revenge with her friend Tobi...
Not Rome, Paris or Florence - the 11c class trip goes to the “spectacular” Sauerland. Nessie, the class representative, is to blame for this; she chose the desolate destination. It's clear that something like this doesn't go without consequences: As soon as he arrives at the country school, the newcomer Erik reveals the secret about Nessie's "full" breasts in front of the entire team. The receipt comes promptly: Nessie gives him a bloody nose and starts a campaign of revenge with her friend Tobi...