Knochen und Namen
Fabian StummSchauspieler:
Fabian Stumm, Knut Berger, Susie Meyer, Doreen Fietz, Marie-Lou Sellem, Magnús Mariuson, Anne Haug, Godehard Giese, Lisa Marie Becker, Tina Pfurr, Luise Helm, Rainer Sellien, Milena Dreißig, Tanju Bilir, Ruth Reinecke, Anneke Kim SarnauBoris und Jonathan sind schon viele Jahre ein Paar. Eines Tages scheint der Wendepunkt ihrer Beziehung gekommen und sie hinterfragen ihre ganze Partnerschaft. Gleichzeitig versucht Jonathans alleinerziehende Schwester Natascha ihr berufliches und privates Leben zu stabilisieren und vor allem in Einklang zu bringen. Ihre Tochter Josie wiederum versucht damit klarzukommen, dass ihre Kindheit nun zu Ende sein könnte.
Humorvolles Drama von Florian Stumm, in dem die Beziehung zwischen einem Schauspieler und einem Autor an einem Wendepunkt steht.
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.
Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fictional characters, Jonathan tries to redefine his voice as a writer. Ghosting through these days of wrestling with distance, closeness, trust, desire and fear of loss is Jonathans' young niece Josie, who is trying to deal with the approaching end of her childhood in her own idiosyncratic way. BONES AND NAMES, the feature debut of Fabian Stumm, portrays people searching for their place in life in different ways. A sensitive and humorous reflection on the dissonances in relationships that both connect and distance us from each other.