König der Piraten
Sidney SalkowSchauspieler:
Lon Chaney Jr., Donna Reed, Howard Freeman, Henry Brandon, Frank DeKova, William Tannen, Gerald Mohr, John Payne, Anthony Caruso, Skip Torgerson, Christopher Dark, Claire Du Brey, Anthony WardePiratenkapitän Barbarossa kann bei einem Überfall auf Tortuga Alida, die Tochter des dortigen Gouverneurs, gefangen nehmen. Ursprünglich nur darauf bedacht, ein fettes Lösegeld für sie zu kassieren, beeindrucken ihn schon bald die weiblichen Reize der stolzen Schönheit. Als Alidas Verlobter Salcedo von Barbarossa als Feigling und Lügner entlarvt wird, lässt er die Frauen und Kinder von Barbarossas Crewmitgliedern ermorden. Barbarossa schwört Rache.
Barbarossa, a pirate, frees a group of Spanish prisoners and makes them his crew. On a raid, he takes as a prize a Spanish countess, Alida. He has fallen in love with her by the time he arranges for her ransom by the officer who was to marry her. Exposing her intended as a coward and a liar, he goes to ask for her hand but she has escaped, and Barbarossa thinks she is the one who killed his aide, Peg-Leg.
Barbarossa, a pirate, frees a group of Spanish prisoners and makes them his crew. On a raid, he takes as a prize a Spanish countess, Alida. He has fallen in love with her by the time he arranges for her ransom by the officer who was to marry her. Exposing her intended as a coward and a liar, he goes to ask for her hand but she has escaped, and Barbarossa thinks she is the one who killed his aide, Peg-Leg.