Joachim Rønning, Espen SandbergSchauspieler:
Jakob Oftebro, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Gustaf Skarsgård, Pål Sverre Hagen, Eilif Hellum Noraker, Peter Wight, Tobias Santelmann, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Agnes Kittelsen, Amund Hellum Noraker, Elisabeth Matheson, Kasper Arneberg Johnsen, Edward Kling, Jo Adrian Haavind, Jonas Heier StraumsheimAllen Warnungen zum Trotz unternimmt der norwegische Forscher und erfahrene Abenteurer Thor Heyerdahl mit einer fünfköpfigen Crew 1947 auf einem nach uralter südamerikanischer Tradition gebauten Holzfloß eine fast 8000 Kilometer lange Seereise von Peru ins Tuamotu-Archipel, um zu beweisen, dass Polynesien ursprünglich von Südamerika aus besiedelt wurde. Die entbehrungsreiche und gefährliche Seereise entwickelt sich zur Zerreißprobe und schließlich zum Triumph des menschlichen Willens über alle Widerstände und Gefahren.
Routiniert, elegant und flüssig erzählen die "Max Manus"-Regisseure Espen Sandberg und Joachim Rönning ihre spannende Abenteuergeschichte, die auf der berühmtesten Expedition des legendären Thor Heyerdahl beruht. Sie setzen auf schöne Schauplätze und stimmiges Retrodekor, bei den Haiattacken auf spar-, aber wirksam eingesetzte CGI-Effekte und glaubwürdig agierende Darsteller. Spektakuläre, klare und in kräftigen Farben gehaltene Bilder für Natur- und Abenteuerfreunde.
The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl crossed the Pacific Ocean in a balsawood raft in 1947, together with five men, to prove that South Americans back in pre-Columbian times could have crossed the ocean and settled on Polynesian islands. After financing the trips with loans and donations, they set off on an epic 101-day-long trip across 8000 kilometers, while the world was waiting for the result of the trip. The film tells about the origin of the idea, the preparations, and the events on the trip. The "Kon-Tiki" was named after the Inca sun god, Viracocha, and "Kon-Tiki" is an old name for this god. Heyerdahl filmed the expedition, which later became the Academy Award winning documentary in 1951, and he wrote a book about the expedition that was translated into 70 languages and sold more than 50 millions copies around the world. Heyerdahl believed that people from South America could have settled Polynesia in pre-Columbian times, although most anthropologists now believe they did not...
The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl crossed the Pacific Ocean in a balsawood raft in 1947, together with five men, to prove that South Americans back in pre-Columbian times could have crossed the ocean and settled on Polynesian islands. After financing the trips with loans and donations, they set off on an epic 101-day-long trip across 8000 kilometers, while the world was waiting for the result of the trip. The film tells about the origin of the idea, the preparations, and the events on the trip. The "Kon-Tiki" was named after the Inca sun god, Viracocha, and "Kon-Tiki" is an old name for this god. Heyerdahl filmed the expedition, which later became the Academy Award winning documentary in 1951, and he wrote a book about the expedition that was translated into 70 languages and sold more than 50 millions copies around the world. Heyerdahl believed that people from South America could have settled Polynesia in pre-Columbian times, although most anthropologists now believe they did not...