Kramer Vs Kramer
Robert BentonSchauspieler:
Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Justin Henry, JoBeth Williams, Jane Alexander, Nicholas Hormann, Howard Duff, George Coe, Bill Moor, Howland Chamberlain, Jack Ramage, Jess Osuna, Ellen Parker, Shelby Brammer, Carol NadellTed Kramer, der quirlige Werbefachmann, ist befördert worden. Doch statt Champagner erwartet ihn zu Hause der Abschiedsbrief seiner Frau. Joanna hat Mann und Kind verlassen, um künftig ihr eigenes Leben zu führen. Neben seinem 14-Stunden-Job muss sich Ted von nun an um Sohn Billy kümmern. Schon bald entbrennt um Billys Sorgerecht ein Kampf, der von beiden Seiten mit härtesten Bandagen geführt wird...
Ted Kramer is a career man for whom his work comes before his family. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Ted is now faced with the tasks of housekeeping and taking care of himself and their young son Billy. When he has learned to adjust his life to these new responsibilities, Joanna resurfaces and wants Billy back. Ted, however, refuses to give him up, so they go to court to fight for the custody of their son.
Ted Kramer is a career man for whom his work comes before his family. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Ted is now faced with the tasks of housekeeping and taking care of himself and their young son Billy. When he has learned to adjust his life to these new responsibilities, Joanna resurfaces and wants Billy back. Ted, however, refuses to give him up, so they go to court to fight for the custody of their son.