Kronprinz Rudolf - Sissis einziger Sohn
Robert DornhelmSchauspieler:
Julia Cencig, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Christian Clavier, Max von Thun, Wolfgang Böck, Gabriel Barylli, Hilde Dalik, Vittoria Puccini, Sandra Ceccarelli, Caroline Athanasiadis, Renate Brandtner, Andrew Burey, Stefanie Dvorak, Saskia Fanta, Manfred FellerKronprinz Rudolf von Österreich (Max von Thun) träumt bereits im späten 19. Jahrhundert von einem vereinten Europa. Die liberalen Ideen des feinsinnigen jungen Mannes stoßen jedoch bei seinem konservativen Vater Kaiser Franz Joseph (Klaus Maria Brandauer) und seiner Mutter Sissi (Sandra Ceccarelli) auf offene Ablehnung. Trotz seiner Ehe mit Stephanie von Belgien stürzt sich der schwermütige Prinz in zahlreiche Liebesaffären, verfällt dem Alkohol und wird morphiumsüchtig. In einer Welt voller Kälte und Depressionen wird die bedingungslose Liebe der jungen Baronin Mary Vetsera zu Rudolfs letztem Halt. Zuletzt steht der Kronprinz vor der Entscheidung, auf Schloss Mayerling einen Staatsstreich gegen seinen Vater zu versuchen – oder seinem Leben voller Exzesse und Verzweiflung ein blutiges Ende zu setzen.
The film recounts the last years of the life of the Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf of Hapsburg until his tragic death in Mayerling. They are highlighted the difficult relationship with his father, the Emperor Franz Joseph, and the affectionate bond with his mother, the Empress Sissi; the failed marriage to Stephanie of Belgium; and his romantic relationships with the prostitute Mizzi Kaspar and the young Baroness Mary Vetsera, together with whom he will die in Mayerling. The film endorses the reconstruction according to which the Archduke apparently committed suicide, overwhelmed not only by a role that weighed and imprisoned, but also from the disappointment due to the low esteem that his father would usually express.
The film recounts the last years of the life of the Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf of Hapsburg until his tragic death in Mayerling. They are highlighted the difficult relationship with his father, the Emperor Franz Joseph, and the affectionate bond with his mother, the Empress Sissi; the failed marriage to Stephanie of Belgium; and his romantic relationships with the prostitute Mizzi Kaspar and the young Baroness Mary Vetsera, together with whom he will die in Mayerling. The film endorses the reconstruction according to which the Archduke apparently committed suicide, overwhelmed not only by a role that weighed and imprisoned, but also from the disappointment due to the low esteem that his father would usually express.