Kuan - Der unerbittliche Rächer
Cheh ChangSchauspieler:
Feng Ku, Sing Chen, David Chiang, Lung Ti, Chung Wang, Chih-Ching Yang, Liu Hung, Kuang Yu Wang, Lei Cheng, Ping Wang, Yen-Ching Ou, Yuan Chuan, Pin Ho, Kang Liu, Ching Ho WangHSIAO will Rache für den Tod seines Bruders KUAN. Dieser wurde von der Bande des FENG getötet, aus dem Weg geschaft, da dieser hinter KUANs Frau HUA her war. Kuan stellte FENG dafür zu Rede und musste dieses mit seinem Leben bezahlen. Kuans Bruder HSIAO nimmt dafür blutige Rache an denen die damit zu tun hatten ...
"Godfather of the kung-fu Film" Chang Cheh cemented his fame and importance with this extraordinary combination of a symbolic kung-fu thriller and coming-of-age teenage angst drama. The result is a landmark for its director and the film which made David Chiang and Ti Lung superstars.
"Godfather of the kung-fu Film" Chang Cheh cemented his fame and importance with this extraordinary combination of a symbolic kung-fu thriller and coming-of-age teenage angst drama. The result is a landmark for its director and the film which made David Chiang and Ti Lung superstars.