La Habanera
Douglas SirkSchauspieler:
Zarah Leander, Ferdinand Marian, Karl Martell, Michael Schulz-Dornburg, Louis Brody, Werner Finck, Harry Hardt, Julia Serda, Boris Alekin, Paul Bildt, Edwin Jürgensen, Carl Kuhlmann, Rosita Alcaraz, Lisa Helwig, Geza von Foeldessy, Franz ArzdorfMit ihrer Tante nach Puerto Rico gereist, lernt die Schwedin Astrée den reichen Großgrundbesitzer Don Pedro kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Sie heiraten, doch ihre Ehe ist für das junge Mädchen die Hölle. Von großem Heimweh geplagt, trifft sie ihren Freund aus Kindertagen, Dr. Nagel, auf der Insel, der dort ist, um das gefährliche Tropenfieber zu behandeln. Don Pedro will die Behandlung sabotieren, doch er erkrankt selbst daran und stirbt einen qualvollen Tod. Astrée kann nun mit Dr. Nagel und ihrem kleinen Sohn in die alte Heimat zurück kehren.
Berühmtes Melo von Detlef Sierck, in dem Zarah Leaner eine ihrer schönsten Rollen spielt.
Astrée and her aunt from Sweden are vacationing in Puerto Rico. Astrée is enchanted by the local habanera musicas well as by Don Pedro de Avila, a rich and powerful landowner. Upon embarkation, she spontaneously decides to stay; she runs down the gangway, finds him waiting for her, and soon is married. Ten years later - it is now 1937 - Astrée finds herself trapped in an unhappy marriage. Her paradise has turned to hell; only her son, Juan, is the reason for her to stay. Meanwhile in Stockholm, Dr. Sven Nagel, a former lover of Astrée, and his associate, Dr. Gomez, bid farewell. They are departing for Puerto Rico to investigate the mysterious and deadly Puerto Rico fever. On the island, their arrival is met with dismay by Don Pedro and his business associates as they fear the focus on the Puerto Rico fever will depress their business; so they plan to deny its existence.
Astrée and her aunt from Sweden are vacationing in Puerto Rico. Astrée is enchanted by the local habanera musicas well as by Don Pedro de Avila, a rich and powerful landowner. Upon embarkation, she spontaneously decides to stay; she runs down the gangway, finds him waiting for her, and soon is married. Ten years later - it is now 1937 - Astrée finds herself trapped in an unhappy marriage. Her paradise has turned to hell; only her son, Juan, is the reason for her to stay. Meanwhile in Stockholm, Dr. Sven Nagel, a former lover of Astrée, and his associate, Dr. Gomez, bid farewell. They are departing for Puerto Rico to investigate the mysterious and deadly Puerto Rico fever. On the island, their arrival is met with dismay by Don Pedro and his business associates as they fear the focus on the Puerto Rico fever will depress their business; so they plan to deny its existence.