Labyrinth der Monster
Steven Hilliard SternSchauspieler:
Tom Hanks, Wendy Crewson, David Wallace, Chris Makepeace, Lloyd Bochner, Peter Donat, Anne Francis, Murray Hamilton, Vera Miles, Louise Sorel, Susan StrasbergFür die drei College Freunde Robbie (Tom Hanks), Kate und Jay beginnt ein neues Semester. Neben dem College, haben alle eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft: Das populäre Rollenspiel "Labyrinth der Monster" Ein Spiel zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit. Als sie Daniel, den neuen Mitschüler kennen lernen und ihn mit in ihre Spielrunde aufnehmen, gerät alles außer Kontrolle.
This film was the pinnacle of anti-D&D fearmongering. Bound together by a desire to play "Mazes and Monsters," Robbie and his four college classmates decide to move the board game into the local cavern. Robbie loses his mind, and the line between reality and fantasy fuse into a harrowing nightmare.
This film was the pinnacle of anti-D&D fearmongering. Bound together by a desire to play "Mazes and Monsters," Robbie and his four college classmates decide to move the board game into the local cavern. Robbie loses his mind, and the line between reality and fantasy fuse into a harrowing nightmare.