Land der Zukunft
Joseph KaneSchauspieler:
John Wayne, Ann Rutherford, Harry Woods, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Al Bridge, Fred 'Snowflake' Toones, Etta McDaniel, Tom Brower, Lane Chandler, Cliff Lyons, Jack Rockwell, Al Taylor, Charles King, George Chesebro, Tracy Layne, Chuck BaldraDie Bevölkerung von Wyoming soll darüber abstimmen, ob die Region der Union beitritt und damit ein Bundesstaat der Vereinigten Staaten wird. Einige Schurken wollen den Anschluss mit allen Mitteln verhindern. Die beiden Geheimagenten Tipton und Bridger müssen dafür sorgen, dass die Abstimmung korrekt verläuft und bekommen es mit einem mächtigen Gegner zu tun.
Federal Agents Tipton and Bridger have been sent to Wyoming where the vote on statehood is imminent. Plummer and his gang are out to make sure the vote fails. When Plummer's men kill Bridger, Tipton fights on. He sends fake telegrams that trap some of Plummer's men. Then he organizes the ranchers and on election day they descend on the town barricaded by Plummer's gang.
Federal Agents Tipton and Bridger have been sent to Wyoming where the vote on statehood is imminent. Plummer and his gang are out to make sure the vote fails. When Plummer's men kill Bridger, Tipton fights on. He sends fake telegrams that trap some of Plummer's men. Then he organizes the ranchers and on election day they descend on the town barricaded by Plummer's gang.