Laura wirbelt Staub auf
Claude BerriSchauspieler:
Jean-Pierre Bacri, Brigitte Catillon, Jacques Frantz, Émilie Dequenne, Axelle Abbadie, Catherine Breillat, Apollinaire Louis-Philippe Dogue, Amalric Gérard, Nathalie Boutefeu, Laurence Colussi, Xavier MalySeit seiner Scheidung führt Jacques ein tristes Leben zwischen seinem Büro, diversen Bars und seiner ungepflegten Wohnung. Das ändert sich, als er die junge Laura als Putzfrau anstellt. Sie sorgt für Ordnung in Jacques' Apartment, bringt aber sein Leben völlig durcheinander. Schließlich zieht Laura bei Jacques ein, doch die Beziehung der beiden unterschiedlichen Menschen gestaltet sich schwierig.
After his wife leaves him for another man, Jacques hires a housekeeper, Laura, to keep his Paris apartment in order. As he starts increasing her hours and spending more time with her on her days off, Jacques is torn between the pleasure of Laura's company, and the headache that such an intrusion brings to his new domain of singlehood.
After his wife leaves him for another man, Jacques hires a housekeeper, Laura, to keep his Paris apartment in order. As he starts increasing her hours and spending more time with her on her days off, Jacques is torn between the pleasure of Laura's company, and the headache that such an intrusion brings to his new domain of singlehood.