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Jan Georg SchütteSchauspieler:
Susanne Wolff, Hans-Michael Rehberg, André Kaczmarczyk, Pheline Roggan, Oliver Sauer, Stephan Schad, Anne Weber, Ole Schloßhauer, Oana Solomon, Björn Grundies, Annedore Kleist, Jörg Rathjen, Annelore Sarbach, Jan Georg Schütte, Alexander WüstDer Patriarch und Unternehmer August Manzl ist todkrank, aber auf ein qualvolles Sterben will er nicht warten. Deshalb entwirft der Zyniker einer perfiden Plan: Wer von seinen Kindern ihn ins Jenseits befördert, erbt Firma und Familienvermögen. Schafft es niemand, geht alles an die Kriegsgräberfürsorge. Die abstrusen Ideen der Jungen, den Alten um die Ecke zu bringen, gehen ins Leere. Wie er dann trotz allem zu Tode kommt, ist eine große Überraschung und dem Zufall zu verdanken.
Patriarch and entrepreneur August Manzl is terminally ill. As his four grown-up children are all spoiled and sluggish, he comes up with a rather cynical idea to determine the future leader of the families empire: whoever of his children shows the courage and willpower to end his suffering within the next week will become the sole heir - and simultaneously proof the skills necessary to succeed in a modern business world. Between the children a murderous competition evolves.
Patriarch and entrepreneur August Manzl is terminally ill. As his four grown-up children are all spoiled and sluggish, he comes up with a rather cynical idea to determine the future leader of the families empire: whoever of his children shows the courage and willpower to end his suffering within the next week will become the sole heir - and simultaneously proof the skills necessary to succeed in a modern business world. Between the children a murderous competition evolves.