Leitfaden für die perfekte Familie
Ricardo TrogiSchauspieler:
Louis Morissette, Émilie Bierre, Catherine Chabot, Xavier Lebel, Isabelle Guérard, Gilles Renaud, Louise Portal, Alexandre Goyette, Jean-Carl BoucherEin Paar in Québec beschäftigt sich mit den Tücken, dem Druck und den hohen Erwartungen, die Kinder in einer von Erfolg und Social-Media-Image besessenen Gesellschaft aufziehen.
A mainstream comedy that raises the question and humorously exposes the difficulty and complexity of raising children in a society of ultra performance, nourished by parents who, wanting to give the best to their children, end up suffocating them.
A mainstream comedy that raises the question and humorously exposes the difficulty and complexity of raising children in a society of ultra performance, nourished by parents who, wanting to give the best to their children, end up suffocating them.